Wilderness first responder

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Looking for wilderness EMT certification?


Wilderness First Responder [WFR] 70 + hours of instruction [Does NOT include CPR; this can be added for $55.00].

Location: Outside areas local to Ventura, Ca. to be announced prior to class start.

Note: CPR certification is a REQUIREMENT to complete this course; but you do not need to do CPR training with us. You can arrive already certified as long as it’s a CPR class with a hands-on component.

This is an Advanced Wilderness Medicine course. Valuable for individuals who explore remote parks or locations, who are away for extended periods of time or may be far from help. Ideal for organizations who lead groups in the backcountry such as summer camps, private schools, travel programs, park rangers or professional guides. Valid for 3 years.

Topics include: Patient Assessment; Critical Care; Vital Signs; Bleeding Control and Shock; Wound Care; Sprains, Strains and Fracture care; Spinal and Head Injuries; Environmental Emergencies: Heat and Cold; Bites and Stings; Allergic Reaction; Diabetic Emergencies; Cardiac and Respiratory Issues; Poisonings and Overdose; Seizures; Asthma and Restrictive Airway Diseases and much more!

May be renewed every 3 years by attending a 2-day WFA course.

Looking for something different? Check out our Backcountry Medical Courses to get certified in a unique setting!

We would love to hear from you if you have any questions about our courses.
